Cannabis (Marijuana)

Cannabis otherwise known as Marijuana has physiological and psychoactive effects when consumed.  Most notably, mood, increased heart rate, appetite as well as lowered blood pressure, impairment of working memory, coordination and concentration are most common.

Cannabis exhibits a mix of stimulant, depressant and hallucinogen, leaning the most towards hallucinogenic or psychedelic.

There have been no verified human deaths associated with cannabis overdose.

According to The National Survey on Drug Use and Health, Marijuana is the most commonly used illicit drug.  In 2008 75.6% of current illicit drug users used marijuana, and it was the only drug used by 53.5 percent of them.

Cannabis has been shown to be habit forming, and in some users there has been the development of dependence.  Continued effects on memory, intelligence and respiratory functions as well as the possible relationship to mental disorders such as psychosis, schizophrenia and depression are still under discussion.

Due to the high lipid-solubility, THC levels can be found in the body for weeks or longer after even just a single administration.  This suggests that since cannabinoids may accumulate in the body, it may be an important factor in long term effects, particularly in the lipid membranes of neurons.

Cannabis is most commonly smoked, using pipes, bongs or paper-wrapped.